- Renkaiden vaihto
- Renkaiden tasapaino
- Rengaspaineen tarkistus

- Sylinterikannen kunnostus
- Sylinterin puristuspainemittaus
- Pakokaasunmittaus + OBD
- Pakosarjan tivisteen vaihto
- Jakopään remontti
- Katsastus- ja tarkastuspalvelu

- Etu- ja takajarrulevyjen ja palojen vaihto
- Jarrusatulan vaihto
- Jarrupääsylinterin vaihto
- Jarrujen kalibrointi
- Jarrunesteen vaihto
- Jarrujen säätö
- ABS-yksikön vaihto ja diagnoosi
- Myös kytkinremontit

- Jäähdytysnesteen vaihto
- Puhaltimen ja sisävastuksen vaihto
- Lämpöpuhaltimen testaus
- Jäähdyttimen tuuletin vaihto
- Jäähdytysjärjestelmän vuototesti
- Vesipumpun vaihto
- Jäähdyttimen letku ja termostaatin vaihto

- Vikakoodin luku
- Vikakoodin korjaus

- Määräaikaishuolto
- Vuosihuolto ja tarkistus
- Korjausapu ja opastus
Luotettavaa palvelua
Tyypillisiä huolto- ja korjausohjeita. Opi miksi ja milloin tarvitset autonkorjauspalveluja?
Tämä opas on saatavana vain englanniksi
Engine Performance
A well-tuned engine delivers the best balance of power and fuel economy and produces the lowest level of emissions. Modern engines compensate for worn parts to a degree, giving you the sense that everything is fine with your car. Keeping your engine tuned will restore your car to its normal operating state and contribute to overall efficiency of the engine and emissions system. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says a well maintained car is more fuel-efficient, produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions, is more reliable and is safer!
Typical service
- Based on spark plug type, the replacement interval can range from 30,000 to 100,000 km.
- Replace any other ignition system and/or emissions system parts that may be needed or recommended.
- Replace the fuel and air filters.
Oil, Filters & Fluids
Periodic oil and filter changes help keep your engine clean on the inside. Dust, metallic shavings, condensation and even antifreeze can contaminate motor oil. Additives, which break down over time, are also subject to contamination. Other fluids in your vehicle may require periodic replacement. For example, the majority of automatic transmission failures are heat-related, and automatic transmission fluid breaks down rapidly when subjected to high temperatures. Your car owner’s manual may specify periodic flushing and filling of the brake hydraulic system because contaminated brake fluid may lead to corrosion and other problems in the hydraulic system, especially on vehicles with anti-lock brakes (ABS).
Typical Service
- Oil level should be checked frequently and changed every 3,000 –
5,000 km or as directed in the owner’s manual. - Many car manufacturers recommend extended oil drain intervals for some drivers.
- For automatic transmissions, brakes, power steering and axles, vehicle-specific fluids should be used.
- Coolant should be Changed periodically as specified in the
owner’s manual. Coolant fluid type and interval schedule will vary
by vehicle.
Belts & Hoses
It’s not easy to know the true condition of a belt or hose by its outward appearance, because most belts and hoses fail from the inside out. Rubber hoses can become hard and brittle, deteriorating with age and exposure to heat, causing the hose to split, blister or leak. Belts also break down with
heat, mileage and age. Every time a belt passes around a pulley, it bends. Flexing produces heat that causes the rubber to harden over time. In addition, if the belt is loose or slips, the wear process can be accelerated.
Typical Service
- Hoses should be inspected at each oil change for leaking, cracks, discoloration or any other visual sign of wear. Squeezing the hose can also indicate need for replacement. Any hose that feels rock-hard or mushy should be replaced.
- Hoses should always be replaced with a new radiator or water pump installation.
- Clamps should be replaced when new hoses are installed.
- V-belts should be inspected for looseness, cracks, frays or glazing. Typical replacement is every three to four years or 40,000 to 50,000 km.
- The serpentine belt system should be inspected for looseness and signs of wear. Tensioners and pulleys should be inspected for noise and wear. Typical replacement is 60,000 to 90,000 km.
The system may also require replacement of a tensioner or pulley. - Replace timing belts based on the interval specified in the owner’s manual, typically between 60,000 and 90,000 km.
- During a timing belt service, it may be recommended to replace
tensioner, pulleys, and water pump.
Break Service
Brakes are a normal wear item for any car. Eventually, they’re going to need to be replaced for both performance and safety reasons. Don’t let your brakes get to the “metal-to-metal” point, which usually means more expensive rotor or drum replacement. Your car owner’s manual might specify periodic flushing and filling of the brake hydraulic system. Contaminated brake fluid may lead to corrosion and other problems in the hydraulic system, especially on cars with anti-lock brakes (ABS).
Typical Service
- Have your brake pads and shoes, drums and rotors, master cylinders, wheel cylinders, brake hoses, calipers, brake hardware and brake fluid inspected.
- Depending on the condition or thickness of the drums or rotors, resurfacing or replacement may be necessary.
- The parking brake should also be checked for proper operation and adjustment. In some cases, the parking brake shoes/pads may need replacement.
Wheels & Tires
Tire replacement is necessary if the tread depth is below the minimum legal requirement, or the sidewalls are severely cracked or punctured. In some cases, tread punctures cannot be repaired. Normal wear and road conditions can take their toll on your car’s steering and suspension system and can disrupt the alignment settings. Ball joints, tie rods, steering arms, bushings and other suspension parts all wear gradually over time. Springs will gradually sag and age as miles accumulate. All of these will affect alignment angles and adjustments need to be made or components replaced to restore optimum handling.
Typical Service
- Have your car’s alignment (all four wheels) Checked at least annually and also at the first sign of improper handling or uneven wear. Your technician will make adjustments to the camber, caster, toe and thrust angle as needed.
- Request a wheel alignment when you purchase a set of new tires.
- Check inflation pressure at least once a month (including the spare tire).
- Have the tires rotated every 6,000 km. Consult your owner’s manual, tire dealer or manufacturer for the correct rotation pattern for your tires.
- Rotation time also serves as a good opportunity to have the wheels balanced. Unbalanced wheels can cause rapid wear of shock absorbers and struts, and wheel balance can change as a result of normal tire wear. Rotating the tires to keep their sizes equal is critical on full-time four—wheel drive vehicles, and replacing all four tires at the same time, is highly recommended.
- The Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) may need to be replaced when servicing or installing new tires.
Check Engine Light
An illuminated “Check Engine” or “Service Engine Soon” light indicates that a vehicle system, such as the ignition, fuel injection or emission control, is not operating properly, even if the vehicle appears to be running normally. Only the right diagnostic equipment can determine the problem detected by your car’s on-board diagnostic system (OBD). Ignoring a Check engine light can negatively impact your fuel economy or cause damage resulting in more costly repairs.
Typical Service
- A steady light should be diagnosed at the first convenient opportunity.
- A flashing light indicates a problem that is currently happening and may require immediate attention, such as catalytic converter damage.
- A technician connects a diagnostic scan tool to your car’s computer system to determine the problem.
- Further testing and diagnosis may be required to pinpoint the exact cause of the problem.
- Once the problem is pinpointed, repairs are made and the light is reset.
Air Conditioning Service
Proper heating and cooling performance is critical for interior comfort and for safety reasons such as defrosting. The HVAC system will work as designed if properly serviced.
Typical Service
- A thorough inspection of your car’s HVAC system should be performed annually.
- A service technician checks pressures to test operation, refrigerant Charge and outlet temperatures.
- If the system is found to be low on refrigerant, a leak test is performed to find the source of the leak.
- A technician may also Check for evidence of refrigerant cross-contamination, which is the mixing of refrigerants.
- A/C service should also include a check of the compressor’s drive belt and tension.
Car Body & Appearance
Caring for your car’s appearance helps you protect your investment. Appearance problems left unattended, like breaks in glass or body damage, can lead to larger problems and repairs.
Typical Service
- Frequent washing and periodic vehicle polishing go a long way toward protecting your investment.
- Keeping your vehicle consistently clean prevents the buildup of damaging chemicals and dirt that may damage your car’s finish.
- In areas of the country that use road salt in winter months, frequent washing can reduce the corrosive effects of salt that cause body rust-through.
- Always use a different mitt for the tires and wheels than is used for the body and paint.
- To prevent stripping the vehicle’s finish, only soap specified for automotive cleaning should be used.
This guide is copyrighted, compiled and owned by Car Care Council.